Lucy an Experiential Art and Music Adventure Alamo Theatre October 18
Productions from 11/14 to 11/21
Sep. 15 - Dec. 21, 2019
T, Sat-Lord's day

Wake Upwards, Blood brother Bear
by Zach Theatre
By pop demand, ZACH's Moody Foundation Theatre for Families product Wake Upwardly, Brother Bear! extends its run and moves to ZACH'southward chief campus. Theatre for the …

Sweeney Todd
by Roxie Theatre Company
An infamous tale, Sweeney Todd, an unjustly exiled barber, returns to nineteenth century London, seeking vengeance against the lecherous judge who framed him and …

Showtime Date
by The Public Theater
A casual drink at a eating place turns into a hilarious loftier-stakes dinner. Delightful and unexpected twists, supportive best friends, manipulative exes and protective parents, …
Oct. 24 - Nov. 24, 2019

Information technology Is Magic
by Majuscule T Theatre
From the brilliantly twisted mind of Mickle Maher comes a new dark one-act that challenges the limits of the theatre's magic while mashing up the curse of the audience, The Three …

Driving Miss Daisy
past Vexler Theatre
Daisy Werthan, a rich, sharp-tongued Jewish widow of seventy-ii, is informed by her son that henceforth she must rely on the services of a chauffeur …
Nov. 01 - Nov. 16, 2019

Más Cara
by Teatro Vivo
Flagship show for Futurx Festival 2019, Más Cara by Krysta Gonzales is a world premiere. It stars Florinda Bryant, Martinique Duchene-Phillips, Michael Galvan, Olivia Jimenez, …

Steel Magnolias
by Emily Ann Theatre
Steel Magnolias is a stage play by American writer Robert Harling, based on his feel with his sister'southward expiry. The play is a comedy-drama near …
Nov. 01 - November. 23, 2019

by Save Vanguard Theater
Casta is inspired by a serial of casta paintings past Miguel Cabrera, a mixed-race painter from Oaxaca. Casta paintings were a unique form of portraiture that …

Adjacent to Normal
by Wimberley Players
Dad's an architect; Mom rushes to pack lunches and pour cereal; their daughter and son are bright, wise-cracking teens, appearing to be a typical American …
Nov. 09 - Nov. 17, 2019
Th, Sat-Sunday

by Austin Opera
This tragic story revolving around the unscrupulous Knuckles of Mantua, his hunch-backed court jester Rigoletto, and Rigoletto's stunning daughter Gilda is considered to be i …

Romeo and Juliet
by touring company
The Magik Theatre, San Antonio's professional family unit theatre, presents Shakespeare on the River - a Gratuitous event celebrating family-friendly Shakespeare. Arkansas Shakespeare Theatre volition return …
Nov. xiv - Nov. 24, 2019

by Mary Moody Northen Theatre
Marisol Perez commutes from her flat in the Bronx to her successful re-create editor task with a Manhattan publisher. But something is awry: apples …
November. 14 - Dec. 01, 2019
Thursday-Lord's day

Saint Somebody
by Mélange Theatre Company
When an African-American "deserter" wanders into the camp of the Irish gaelic Brigade near Gettysburg, conflicts intensify, simply the soldier carries an old statue that …
Nov. 14 - November. 24, 2019

by Thinkery& Poetry
AFTERSHOCK / LA RÉPLICA is a world premiere stage-play that explores new dimensions of Latinx military service.The Latinx soldiers and citizens in this play expect …

A Tuna Christmas
by Visitor Theatre
Information technology's Yuletide season in itty bitty Tuna, the tertiary smallest town in Texas where the Lion's Club is likewise liberal and Patsy Cline never dies! …

The Meeting
by Overtime Theater
The Overtime Theater is proud to present an encore presentation of The Meeting, written by Jeff Stetson and presented with special consideration from Dramatist Play Services. …
No. vi
by St. Philip's Higher
In 2001 the expiry of an unarmed black human puts the city of Cincinnnati on border, resutling in a five-day riot that set up the citizens …
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